Action-packed, exploration-driven platformer set in a cyberpunk universe. As the latest installment in the PLOIDS saga, it follows Omega, a determined hero who must travel through time to protect the fabric of reality and rescue his true love, Alpha.

Blending classic run-and-gun mechanics with Metroidvania-style exploration, Gemaboy Zero X offers a rich, immersive experience where every decision matters.

Explore diverse, thematic levels at your own pace, uncover powerful abilities by copying Skillmaster powers, and face challenging bosses inspired by the best of retro gaming. You’ll encounter multiple mini-games, including shoot-’em-up levels and intricate puzzles, all adding to the adventure’s depth. As you progress, you must decide how far you’re willing to go to save Alpha without disrupting the flow of time

Skillmaster Power Mechanic

Copy and upgrade abilities from powerful foes to adapt to each level’s challenges.

Ploidvania + Run-and-Gun Exploration

A fusion of exploration and fast-paced combat, offering both Metroidvania-style progression and thrilling run-and-gun action.


A special feature that lets you play all unlocked mini-games in an arcade-style room, offering hours of additional fun and challenges.


For Immediate Release

Gemaboy Zero X: The Final Chapter of the PLOIDS Saga

Gemaboy Zero X, the thrilling new release from Nape Games, is set to captivate players with its blend of action, exploration, and time-bending adventure. As the latest installment in the beloved PLOIDS saga, the game introduces players to Omega, who must navigate the complexities of time itself to protect the future and rescue his beloved Alpha.

In this cyberpunk-inspired platformer, Gemaboy Zero X delivers a rich mix of run-and-gun action and Metroidvania-style exploration. Players can customize their experience by unlocking the powerful Skillmaster Power Mechanic, allowing them to copy abilities from fallen enemies and upgrade their arsenal to face ever-growing challenges. This dynamic combat system is enhanced by intense boss battles and intricate puzzles, providing a truly immersive experience.

One of the standout features is the FRIKIROOM MODE, an innovative addition where players can access and play all the arcade mini-games they’ve unlocked throughout their journey. This provides an extra layer of fun for players who want to unwind or challenge themselves further, adding countless hours of replayability.

As players advance through the game’s story, they will encounter thematic levels, face tough moral decisions, and battle against time itself. Every choice you make will have consequences, with multiple endings to discover, including the true, final outcome.

The Gemaboy Zero X experience reaches its emotional peak as Omega’s quest to save Alpha and preserve the integrity of time culminates in a gripping finale. Will you be able to save your true love without altering the course of history? The fate of the digital world is in your hands.

Gemaboy Zero X will be available on PC(Steam), Playstation and Nintendo.